Wine Wednesday


It's the first week of August and the ladies (and one man - rock on dude) are hanging out with me for a little craft night at the Bottle Room in Downingtown. If you haven't been, you need to check it out ASAP. This town has a fabulous crew of new breweries and craft beer stops and the Bottle Room is one of our favorites. 

Every week is Wine Wednesday (also you need to check out Taco Tuesday!) so what better excuse than to throw a craft night for wine! For this class, I put together 10 shadow boxes, sanded and stained, and ready to be filled. I even added an extra hole in the top for easy cork access. Like my typical paint night classes, I'll give a 20 minutes lesson about different type faces and techniques. The rest of the 2 hour class is theirs to doodle away. Of course, each ticket comes with a free drink to get the creative juices flowing. 

I'm constantly blown away by the "inspiring" messages. Wine Not. Drinking Wine is not a habit, it's my Hobby. And my personal box displaying, "Uncork & Unwind". Everyone comes with their own saying to add. Unlike paint nights, where everyone paints the same thing, I like to allow room for you to be creative. I think it makes it more unique but it also helps so you're not judging your project based on others. So I give you the techniques and the tricks, and you make it your own. 

This class just happened to have a lot of friends of mine. What can I say, my friends love wine! They've all allowed me to share their achievements for the evening. 

I'm legit.

May 6, 2016 | It's positive. 

December 14, 2016 | Surprise, she's 5 weeks early.

August 1, 2017 | I have a 7 month old. Oh and now an Etsy shop.

July 11, 2018 | I'm officially legit. Sarah Votta Designs, LLC.

Married for almost 5 years and these past two have been wild. Who in their right mind starts a business with a 7 month old? Apparently I do. 

I went to art school, fell in love with typography, and became a graphic designer. I was always inspired by other people. Their stories, their emotions. After college, everyone seems to get married, and as a designer you're the go-to for wedding invitations. Cheap and customized. I started offering monograms, which turned into calligraphy names, and then my sketchbook was filled with any quote I could find. Now I'm personalizing any chalkboard or wood I can get my hands on. 

Last November, I was asked to teach a chalkboard lettering class. I responded with the typical, "I would love to!" even though I had no idea what I was doing. A few weeks later I was teaching a class at our local craft beer room, painting growlers with a sold out class. The chalkboard class filled up and then opened more tickets and sold out again. How is that possible. 

I made it to Christmas and everyone needed customized gifts. So many ornaments personalized for teachers, or newly engaged couples, or babies. I thought, surely this will slow down after the holiday. No such luck.

January 2018, I have one year old. This girl is a good sleeper, praise the Lord. 7pm she is down and out, so momma can get to work. Don't forget, I'm still working a full-time 8-5 corporate gig as a designer. I eat dinner with the family, snuggle and play, and when she hits the crib, I hit my biz. Cranking through projects, updating my Etsy shop, and driving my hubby nuts with the craft supplies spewed across the house. 

Now almost a year into my side hustle, I'm legit with a few extra letters after my company name, Sarah Votta Designs, LLC. I've done a few more classes, a few hundred projects, a few thousand diapers. This life is good. This business is a lot of hardwork. But I have so much support from family & friends, even this town & community. Above all, my husband of almost 5 years has always had my back. I'm sure he appreciates the extra income, but beyond that he encourages my art. He's my biggest cheerleader and I could not be more proud to have him by my side for this journey. 

Thank you all for the continued support of my art and my family. I love what I do and I love the people I do it for. You guys rock my socks.